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The Funny side of Behaviour - Awesome Quotes from Awesome Kids!

From their lips to my ear -

Grande one - "I can't do all that work, I'm only made of toothpaste you know."

Grade six - "If I had a million dollars and a pickup truck would you marry me?"

Grade two- "Here's my lunch money!"

"Why is it all in change?"

"I stole it from my mom so we could hang out over lunch!"

Grade one - "I have 5$ if I give it to you would you hang out with me?"

"I will just do that for free."

"Great because I really wanted to buy a car."

Grade one: I walked into a special setting classroom to pick up a student who was in the process of being removed for violence - when I entered everyone stopped and looked at me including the child whose mouth was still in mid bite of a worker - he said - "Hi Kerry, I will be right with you." I was thinking probably not but it was positive attitude.

Grade two: "It's new years soon and we have to work on our resolutions. What would you like to change for the new year?"

"I can't think of a thing. I mean I'm pretty perfect right now what would I need to change?"

"Well we could work on your habit of punching people when they don't do what you want."

"Oh, I guess there's that."

Grade two special setting: "So, how does a guy get out of this place?

"Good behaviour."

"Damn, that's gonna be hard."

A classroom with a sub and student hurling objects at her- when I arrived he was just removing a shoe to pitch, unfortunately it hit me in the face - he said, "Wow, I am so sorry I was not aiming for you!"

Calming room with a grade one student who was raging - "Let me out or I'm going to get naked."

"Well ok but I think you will be cold."

Clothes began to pile up under the door when I heard, " Could you just pass back that sweater and maybe the pants."

From How to Tame Dragons and Hush Hyenas

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