Intermittent Explosive Disorder (IED), Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD), Attachment Disorders (AD/RAD), Conduct Disorder (CD), Neediness, and PTSD.
Learn about various mental health disorders, including general anxiety, social anxiety, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), depression, and selective mutism.
Learn about complex needs diagnoses including Global Developmental Delay (GDD, Intellectual Disability) and Pervasive Developmental Disorders (PDD) - including Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).
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Working with, teaching, parenting or caring for children with behavioural issues regardless of their root cause, is incredibly challenging. Unfortunately, children do not come with a manual.
It is my hope that within this site you will find the knowledge and the tools you need to help these special students become successful in the classroom and in life to whatever end they are capable.
The work you are doing is of tremendous value and will make the difference in the future not only for these special children on a personal level and ourselves but for society as a whole. No child is unreachable.
Thank you for doing the work to seek a way to solve the problem with love and compassion. Give yourself a pat on the back each day. You deserve it.
Behaviour can be created or influenced by a number of factors such as poverty, learned helplessness, or your own actions. Your perception plays a large role. Learn about the influence of life conditions and your role in bringing out good or bad behaviours.
Success with children of all emotional states requires both the right attitude within yourself as well as a good approach. Build up your behaviour tool-belt to effectively cope in all situations.

Shop for our free and purchasable resources to support your student or child.

Explore extra tools to keep unwanted behaviour at bay.

Ask questions and discuss the behaviours you see with others who are in the same situation.

Read my personal thoughts and experiences from working in dozens of schools with children who have severe behaviour.

Discover essential readings of behaviour experts from around the world.

Explore a variety of well curated books which help children identify their struggles, learn from the content, and see themselves reflected in lovable characters.
If you're at your wits end, nothing seems to work, or you just need a little hands-on help, you can work with me directly to get a personalized plan for the behaviours you're facing.